Sheffield School Values
Sheffield School is committed to equipping our students with key transferable social and academic skills they require to become future-focused contributors in our society.
Learning in Partnership
• Improve learning in partnership for all.
• Well-being at the heart of who we are.
• Continue to strengthen our capacity to collaborate, teach, connect with akonga, build knowledge and the love of learning in partnership to reach our PEAK.
Learning in Partnership, Reaching our PEAK
• P - Possibilities (Dream big dreams)
• E - Excellence (Reach Sky High)
• A - Accountability (Stand up and be counted)
• K - Kindness (love your world)
Watch the video below to find out what PEAK means to students at Sheffield School.
A massive thank you to Luke Anderson for the outstanding videos!
Students are given PEAK of the week when they are noticed showing exceptional PEAK values.
Our Junior Hubs recent PEAK of the week students.
Our Senior Hubs recent PEAK of the week students.