


If your child is absent, or is going to be late, please advise us 03 3183713. All absences are followed up with a phone call unless we have had notification. We have an answer phone to leave a message at any time. It’s also helpful to email your child’s classroom teacher. You can also report absences on the Edge App. Click here for information on how to do this. 

Late to School

Please come to the office and electronically sign-in on the tablet, just inside the door. 

Sickness, Holidays and Appointments.

It is very important to inform the school if your child will be off school because they are sick or for any other reason. Please remember to notify the school each day that your child is away. This can be done by: 

Emailing the office karen@sheffieldprimary.school.nz 


Calling and leaving a message on the Absent Line. Ph 03 3183713