Cyber Safety 

The school’s computer network, Internet access facilities, computers and other school ICT equipment/devices bring great benefits to our teaching and learning programmes, and to the effective operation of the school. 

Our school has rigorous cyber safety practices in place, which include cyber safety use agreements for all school staff and students. The overall goal of the school in this matter is to create and maintain a cyber safety culture which is in keeping with the values of the school, and legislative and professional obligations. 

This agreement includes information about your obligations, responsibilities, and the nature of possible consequences associated with cyber safety breaches which undermine the safety of the school environment. All students will be issued with an agreement and once signed consent has been returned to school, students will be able to use the school ICT equipment/devices. The school’s computer network, Internet access facilities, computers and other school ICT equipment/devices are for educational purposes appropriate to the school environment. 

This applies whether the ICT equipment is owned or leased either partially or wholly by the school, and used on or off the school site. The school may monitor traffic and material sent and received using the school’s ICT network. The school may use filtering and/or monitoring software to restrict access to certain sites and data, including email. The school may audit its computer network, internet access facilities, computers and other school ICT equipment/devices or commission an independent forensic audit.

You can find additional information on NetSafe's website

Our 2024 Cyber-Safety Agreement is attached below. 

2024 Sheffield Contributing School Children Cyber-Safety Use Agreement.docx.pdf