Transition to School
What is ‘Transition to School’?
The aim of this is to give your child a ‘Head Start’ with his/her progress, when beginning school and to make the transition a positive one for both you, and your child.
If you have pre-enrolled, our junior school will be in touch six weeks (approx.) before starting school to organise visits. Usually, we have four visits over two weeks. We find that if we make it any longer it’s hard for your young ones, however we are flexible and willing to meet your child’s needs.
Visit days are:
Tuesday 9am-11.30am and Thursday 9am-12.30pm.
Our programme:
Will ideally take place during the two to three weeks before they start school.
Involves your child in some structured learning activities.
Demonstrates teaching and learning strategies that you as parents/caregivers can use.
Clarifies expectations and requirements for success at school.
Helps promote the positive behaviours that will lead to success at school.
Involves a meeting for parents.